Off Grid with Solar

While the power is back on the entire island now I will say that its even less reliable than it was before the storm.  A few weeks ago it even blew up all my generator transfer switches ($1,800).   Fortunately when the house is empty we disconnect all the appliances so we have been spared the damage on those items.  In May we contracted with a Solar company in PR called New Energy to put in a system that could handle the entire house day and night.  It will be comprised of over 40x 350 Watt solar panels and 30KwH of backup batteries.  At the moment the batteries are 3x Tesla Power Wall 2’s however given their ongoing delivery issues we may switch them out for something else.   Like everything in PR its taking for every to get the project started but hope to have the system operational before the 2019 High Season.  Basically the house will run off solar all day, batteries all night and if needed Grid and if no Grid the generator.

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