For those looking to build or improve a house I thought I would give a quick update on the paint again. We are a little over 2 years and for the most part the paint still looks great. While we have had a few spots that get a ton of sun and rain water get a little chalky everything else looks great.
We are however now pondering doing something fairly radical. Down at the bottom of the hill is an ocean front house that sits right on the point. I had noticed that they had tiled the entire outside with Coralina (coral) tile. I had a chance to meet and speak with the owner who told me he painted every other year and finally decided to give this a try. While 4x the cost of painting its now been up for over 10 years and looks GREAT. He seals it every other year to keep mold from growing but other than that really easy to maintain. The one thing he said that totally surprised him was that his energy bills dropped by over 50%. He credits this to the fact that the Corilina tiles do not get hot in the sun. Crazy. In the next year or two we are thinking of applying the Coralina tiles to the rear of our house where we get the most sun. Will see…