Cistern in PR why they are needed

When we built the house we went out of our way to try and make everything as redundant as possible.  One of the things we did was have 1200 gallons of water in Cisterns that automatically fill and a pump that automatically turns on when the water from the water company goes out.  Shockingly this was a weekly event usually lasting a few hours to a couple of days.

Our first Christmas we found out just how good a job we had done when we ran out of water on Christmas morning.  Since we did not know the water was out we topped off the pool, did a bunch of laundry, watered the grass and even washed the car.  Fortunately it only took 30 minutes and ~$150 to find someone to fill the tanks.  Shortly after that experience we added several tanks to take us to ~3500 gallons of water.

In the last 45 days the water in Puntas has been either completely out (30x consecutive days) or partially working 1-2 random hours a day.

Bottom line is if your planning on visiting or building make certain you have a cistern and best case a LARGE one.

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