Its been a while since my last post and figured I would wrap up a couple things that people were following.
Paint: The paint has finally started to fail. The darker color has started to peal and the lighter color I have noticed a few issues but not nearly as bad. It was a good enough run to order it again but as luck would have it, the company is out of business. Now looking to tile the darker areas so they they last basically for ever. Stay tuned for pictures.
Luma: There are mixed reviews for our new power provider (keep in mind they are not responsible for power generation just distribution). IMO they have been doing a GREAT job as compared to the previous company, Prepa. They replaced a bunch of the equipment in my area and things have been so so so much better. Keep it up Luma I am a supporter.
Workers: Getting anyone to work on the house has been a constant struggle despite some slow down in construction I waited over 1 year to have some tile work done and have had a water softener that I have been trying to get installed for 9 months. Used to have to wait 1/2 that long.
Solar: Despite some rough starts with Tesla support (they dont let you do ALL the configurations). The system has been running great. I am producing 120% more than I am using so our bill is the minimum $4 per month. I noticed a problem when the internet goes down and the system appears to get confused. Decided to address that issue, see Starlink bullet.
Starlink: Just installed my Starlink and so far so good. Performance seems to be fine and so far no disconnects. About to try to cut the cord and have everything go through Starlkin. Hopefully we will we eliminate most if not all of our outages.
General Items: The beaches are in the best shape they have ever been and the town has been fixing up parking and putting in walking paths, Love it. They removed the garbage cans from the marina to see if that makes the trash problem better. It seems to be working despite a few people still feeling the need to leave trash in bags where the cans used to be. We are also getting our usual turn over in restaurants which I think is a good thing as we continue to get some great new places.